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Garage Door Opener

Own an older home? A garage door opener replacement may be in order. Even if your opener is functioning, older models may not be up to safety standards. Is your opener loud? Newer models are quieter. No matter your situation, chances are replacing the opener may ease your concerns.

It may also be of great assistance if you ever plan to sell your home in the future. If you don’t replace it right away, it may come to the attention of the house inspectors and become one of the reasons why it won’t be approved. And even if you slip through it, still the professional real estate photographers like the Boca Raton real estate photographer(s) would click all the pictures of your home from all the angles. These images are distributed to brokers and, eventually, to potential buyers. And if the buyers find a flaw in the photos, they will not even consider viewing the house. So it’s better to replace the garage door as soon as you notice the faults.

1. Safety Concerns

Since 1993, doors have been required by law to be outfitted with an “electric eye” that senses anything in the path of the door. If your opener was made before 1993, you probably want to have it looked at by a company like S.E. Electrical Services (, who can make sure that all will comply with the relevant electric code. If you want to test your door’s safety, place an object underneath the door. If the door rises when it hits the object, that’s a good sign. If the door crushes the object, call in the pros for an inspection.

2. Security

In the good ol’ days, garage door openers required one numeric code for access. This code was fixed and if a criminal got hold of it, you ran the risk of being burgled. But many updated models feature “rolling” codes that are changed after every use, making break-ins more difficult. If you’re particularly worried about home security, you should also learn about burglar proofing for windows and doors, not just the garage. There are lots of things you need to do to keep your home safe and secure, and replacing your garage door is only the beginning.

3. Keyless entry

Always losing your keys? That’s not a problem with newer models of garage door openers. A code-accessed keypad is usually mounted outside the door. Some keypads even use fingerprints to open garage doors. Other keypads can even be controlled using smartphones or computers. So, it doesn’t matter if you are using the Sidewalk Paving or trying to open from your car, these automatic keypads can be a big help.

4. Battery backup

Many newer models are equipped with a battery backup system when the power fails. This is key, since many power outages occur during brutal weather – the exact time when you’ll want to store your vehicle safely inside your garage. On average, the batteries should last for three years, and most claim to open the door as many as 20 times without power.

5. Noise Control.

Hate opening your garage in the middle of the night because you’re afraid you might wake everyone? Fear not, with the newer drive mechanisms that cancel out the noise. If your opener has a chain belt, the chain is probably responsible for the noise. However, newer chains tend to be quieter. A belt drive is quiet too, but pricier. For less noise at a lower cost, consider a screw model. It requires lubrication twice a year, but erodes the trolley faster than the other two options, according to Popular Science magazine.

If your home could use a garage-door opener replacement, contact Accent Garage Doors Utah to discuss installation today.

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