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Garage Door Quiz

Picking the right garage door for your home can be a challenge. You’ll have to live with the decision for years, and you want your choice to match your home’s style. To help, we’ve come up with this quiz you can take to determine what garage door would be best for you.

1. What colors do you prefer?
A. Neutral ones like beige, white or cream. I prefer a blank palette.
B. Darker colors like browns and black. I like a bit of mystery.
C. It’s way too hard for me to pick. I love a variety of colors.

2. How would you describe your home décor?
A. Traditional. Your house is filled with keepsakes and other timeless treasures.
B. Rustic. You prefer that your own personal space is decked out with wood and other natural materials.
C. Eclectic. No Pottery Barn furniture here. You have your own unique look.

3. What are your holiday plans?
A. Enjoy time with your family, as always.
B. Spend a few days camping in the woods.
C. Go see a movie, decorate your home and bake. You like to mix it up.

4. What’s your dream vacation?
A. Kicking back with your family. You’re a homebody.
B. Taking that long-awaited trip to Yosemite. You love being surrounded by nature.
C. A trip to South Africa. You prefer unexpected destinations.

5. What do you order from Starbucks?
A. Plain black coffee.
B. Pumpkin spice latte.
C. I always order off the secret menu to keep it interesting.

6. What’s your favorite holiday dish?
A. A slice of pumpkin pie.
B. Sweet potato casserole.
C. Your own special recipe for eggnog.

7. How do you prefer to spend a day off?
A. Cozying up by the fire with a good book.
B. Taking a hike.
C. Checking out the newest, hippest spot in town.

If you got mostly A’s, a steel garage door would be perfect for you.
You prefer a traditional, no-frills aesthetic and a steel garage door can
provide that.

If you got mostly B’s, a wood garage door would be ideal for you. You
prefer a classic, rustic look that has a touch of mystery.

If you got mostly C’s, a custom door would be perfect for you. Variety
is what you love and a custom garage door can give you
whatever your eclectic heart desires.

Using these answers can make picking the right garage door a breeze. Contact Accent Garage Doors to discuss installing your new door today.

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