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Garages can be fun places for kids even as kids are now back in school for the fall. Parents know that kids like to get into the best of places and perhaps the worst of places also. However, garages can cause injuries even potentially turn deadly if the proper safety requirements are not taken into consideration. Garage doors are a serious business.

safety children garage doors

Much Heavier than Any Other Door in Your House

A typical garage door can weigh anywhere from 160 to 200 pounds depending on the materials for a 16 x 7 feet standard. This is not something to take lightly. You can take extra precautions to ensure your child’s safety by installing outdoor lights in your house premises near the house and garage entrance. You can use LED pole light, arm-mounted area light, etc., to keep the patio and other exterior spaces illuminated. You can explore such fixtures in your local market or online through companies similar to Olympia Lighting. Additionally, you can also get your garage door checked for any malfunction and get it repaired.

Think about this way. A garage door can weigh as much as a grown man. Yes, please allow us to repeat that statement. A garage door can weigh as much as a grown man. If the proper safety precautions are not working, there are many things to take into consideration. For instance, if a garage door doesn’t have garage door eyes, it may not be able to detect if a small child is running around underneath the garage door. If the garage door eyes aren’t working properly, it still may not be able to detect child at play.

Garage door springs and tracks can also pose risks for children. As children may love touching just about everything, you do not want them touching the panels of the garage door or parts around where small fingers can get stuck. Please take extra precaution when allowing your kids to play in or around the garage.

Garage Door Safety Inspections

Regular garage door inspections by trained professionals can tell you if there are any indications that need to specifically be addressed to keep your kids safe. Should you have any questions regarding those inspections, please don’t hesitate to ask us. Also, because garages are frequently subjected to rainwater damage or humidity, it is necessary to clean the garage door and complete the space regularly. Mold spores can be spread by stagnant water or constant moisture in the air.

Mold and water problems are closely linked, so if you notice stagnant water in your underground garage and it’s not addressed it right away, mold will most likely follow. It may damage not just doors but also walls, flooring, and furniture in the garage. In that situation, you may have to get other elements repaired as well in the garage, for instance, flooring by concrete contractors Columbus GA (or another near your location) and walls by a home interior expert. Moreover, it not only endangers the health of the residents but also causes long-term property damage. Mold, which feeds on and degrades organic matter, has the potential to cause significant structural damage in a structure. As a result, if you notice water leakage, accumulation, or even constant moisture in the air, you should get a mold test done immediately and get rid of it as soon as possible.

Anyway, please know that at Accent Garage Doors we take safety seriously. We don’t cut corners around safety. At the end of the day, we don’t want anything to happen to your loved ones or ours. We value our customers and consider them our friends. When servicing your garage door we can provide insights and suggestions to ensure that your garage door, home, and kids are safe.

We are a Utah based organization covering the Wasatch Front servicing, installing, and maintaining garage doors. Remember that when you think garage doors, think Accent Garage Doors.

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